Saturday 7 April 2012

Why 7 Days Detox ?


Do I really need to to Detox  ?

 Is there a real benefit  or add benefit to Detox 

How effective are the treatments on offer? --

Are we really suffering from an increase of toxic substances in our bodies? 

  Cancer  in the UK has increased by 80% since the 'seventies' expecially breast  cancer.
Liver cancer ,colon cancer  have also increased significantly too. Why the increase ? Stressful lives,increase in smokersand lost of  of self esteme. Mental health problems too are on the increase due to unnecessary stress from jobs,familyand ect...................
All of these problems are complex and affected by several factors, but one undeniable fact is that there is an increase in the uptake of toxins from our diet and the materials we are surrounded by, and that the increased toxic load is responsible for some of the problems affecting us. Some experts suggests that our liver and kidneys and a glass of water are all we need to eliminate the toxins in our body, well they do an amazingly good job but it just might be possible to help them along a bit. 

Every day we  breathe toxins into our lungs, put tons of potential toxins into our mouths,and even track them into our homes without ever really knowing where they’ll end up.
How much damage they’ll do to us and our family . In fact, if you could view or peek inside your body you’d tons of these find Chemicals, Heavy metals, Pesticides, Plastic particles, andTONS  of other residues of modern life in our so love body.
"Discover The Detox  Secrets
That Will Destroy Toxins,
Accelerate Weight Loss And
Create Youthful Energy
In Only 7 Days"

Secret to Radiant Health
Easy & Effective
                                                                 Not on any Pills or Supplement
                                                                Not only Diet Tea
        Not Just on Juice Diet
Additionally, rather than following an extreme cleansing diet that limits just about every food except fruit and vegetables, while at the same time getting you to down a nasty detox
drink every day.
My System is safer and more sensible. 
Detox No Longer A Drag!
Your Roadmap To Health Starts Right Here
A Natural path to superior Health
A powerful method for Eliminating Toxins from the body that get RESULTS
How would you like an easy to follow plan that would cleanse your body of toxins, have you losing weight and set you up for healthy life?

The natural way to Detox through East Yellow Soil Sauna Mat
.It provide heat to relax our biggest organ which is the skin to open up its pores and detox through sweat.
Sweating is as important as eating and breathing.So with this simple and easy form of detox there is no excuse.
 You're in charge of the show, here, not us.
This is your detox and your body. We're here to support you, give you some gorgeous planners and cheerful support.
 We'll provide the means by which we can all come together, but the rest of this is up to you.

Sunday 1 April 2012


What is Circulation ?

The term circulation is most commonly associated with blood circulation in the body. Circulation is responsible for the action that moves nutrients, gases and wastes to and from cells, and helps stabilize body temperature and pH to maintain harmony. We cannot live without our blood circulating throughout our body. The heart acts as a pump, keeping our blood flowing to our lungs to get oxygenated, and then carrying it to our organs, then carrying de-oxygenated blood from our organs back to the lungs to get oxygenated again. When circulation is compromised, oxygen does not reach all of the organs and areas it needs to, and our system can falter.
Circulation and the BodyCirculation is very closely related to health. Circulation also means the circulation of lymph in the body. If you suspect blood circulation problems it is essential that you learn how to improve your circulation.
The lymphatic system is an integral part of the immune system – which we all know is very important for health! Certain conditions and lifestyle habits can lead to poor circulation (such as diabetes, arthritis, smoking, obesity and lack of exercise to name a few) and similarly blood circulation problems can lead to many conditions and ailments. wiki

Blood circulation
The primary function of capillaries is to allow the exchange of materials between the blood and tissue cells